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Winery | Wine region | City | Star Rating |
Flaxman Wines | Eden Valley | Eden Valley | (0) |
Poonawatta Estate | Eden Valley | Flaxman Valley | (0) |
Adelina Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Brockenchack Vineyard Cellar Door | Eden Valley | Keyneton | (0) |
Edenmae Estate Wines | Eden Valley | Springton | (0) |
Fernfield Wines | Eden Valley | Eden Valley | (0) |
Heathvale wines | Eden Valley | Keyneton | (0) |
Claymore Wines | Clare Valley | Leasingham | (0) |
Clos Clare | Clare Valley | Watervale | (0) |
Crabtree Watervale Wines | Clare Valley | Watervale | (0) |
Eldredge Wines | Clare Valley | Spring Gully | (0) |
Erin Eyes Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Greg Cooley Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Grosset Wines | Clare Valley | Auburn | (0) |
Jaeschkes Hill River Estate | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Jeanneret Wines | Clare Valley | Sevenhill | (0) |
Jim Barry Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Kilikanoon Wines | Clare Valley | Penwortham | (0) |
Kirrihill Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Knappstein Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Koerner Wine - Clare Valley | Clare Valley | Leasingham | (0) |
Koonowla Wines | Clare Valley | Auburn | (0) |
Wines by KT | Clare Valley | Auburn | (0) |
Matriarch and Rogue Winery | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Mad Bastard Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Mintaro Wines | Clare Valley | Mintaro | (0) |
Mocandunda Vineyards | Clare Valley | Watervale | (0) |
Mount Horrocks Wines | Clare Valley | Auburn | (0) |
Paulett Wines | Clare Valley | Polish Hill River | (0) |
Penna Lane Wines | Clare Valley | Penwortham | (0) |
Pikes Wines | Clare Valley | Sevenhill | (0) |
Sevenhill Cellars | Clare Valley | Sevenhill | (0) |
Shut The Gate Wines | Clare Valley | Gillentown | (0) |
Skillogalee | Clare Valley | Sevenhill | (0) |
Some Young Punks | Clare Valley | Sevenhill | (0) |
Stone Bridge Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Sussex Squire Wines | Clare Valley | Gillentown | (0) |
Tim Adams Wines | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Vanguardist Wine Room | Clare Valley | Clare | (0) |
Tim Gramp Wines | Clare Valley | Leasingham | (0) |
Wilson Vineyard | Clare Valley | Polish Hill River | (0) |
Yalumba | Eden Valley | Eden Valley | (0) |
Lindemans Coonawarra | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Ottelia | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Parker Coonawarra Estate | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Patrick of Connawarra | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Penley Estate | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Peter Thompson Wines | Coonawarra | Penola | (0) |
Raidis Estate | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |
Redman Wines | Coonawarra | Coonawarra | (0) |